“When will you make an end?” — “When I am finished.”
Michelangelo was considered to be the greatest living artist in his lifetime. Ever since he has been held to be one of the greatest artists of all time. The frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel are probably the best known of his works today. The Agony and the Ecstasy book, and subsequently the film, depicted the biographical story of Michelangelo’s troubles whilst painting the Sistine Chapel at the urging of Pope Julius II. Throughout the film the two characters had a repeated exchange:
Pope Julius II: “When will you make an end?”
Michelangelo: “When I am finished!”
This has been a quote that has been apparent in my own life a great many times
So now, whilst putting together all of the groundwork for my campaign, and my books, this quote once again rings in my ears as I get very close to the finishing touches – of the launch, that is! “When will you make an end?” The end result – well, that will be done ‘When I am finished!’
My book has been completed (but not yet launched). I have completed my Twitter page, Facebook page, and YouTube channel. A great many other sundry aspects that are needed to meld everything together are now on the home run. I had not previously realised just how intricate a web is the social media scene.
The final aspect that needs to be completed before I launch is the Video Trailer …. and that is coming together really well.
“When will you make an end?”
It will be finished when it is done 😀
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