Police Malfeasance 1&11
💜 I have tried my hand at Poetry, to depict when I was raped – and the disgusting Police Misconduct that followed.
There will be 4 Stanzas. Here are 1 and 2 – so look out for the next installments in the future ….
Police Malfeasance 1 &11
Poem by Mikky Eagle
💜 Icy coldness of June
Ah! T’was such a bright full moon
Lying asleep in her bed that night
He broke in, with no care for what’s right.
“What was that?” she murmured.
“I’ll go and check.”
“I’ll be back in a sec.”
Into the path of doom she walked
Damnation and hell awaited!
The Predator strikes!
Plunged in fear as the cloth wrapped her face
Around her head it went; around it went again
Tighter it was bound, and tighter again
I barely breathe!
Will I be dead?
What dread!
Escape I thought. Oh! To be freed
Fight him I thought. But I would bleed.
Foul smells pervade my nostrils – booze; smoke.
Coarse stubble scratched against me.
But he never spoke!
Plunged in fear,
I couldn’t shed a tear.
What of my unborn baby; and my young child?
Will they be defiled?
“Please don’t hurt us.”
Fear-stricken, as my little one cried
Eighteen weeks pregnant; not yet half way
Bravely I lay, emotions no more; I dare not move
From the depths of my soul, no feelings betray.
Heinous desecration complete, he slinks away.
💜 The Victim licks her wounds; holds her head high.
She seeks the promised protection of those in uniform
Do they uphold their Code? No, they lie!
Such cruel, base creatures. Are they even of human form?
What of those White Ribbons?
They do not fly!
Such a farce. They know not for what they stand!
One hour passes, one hour passes,
Hours pass by as she sits and she sits
Under brutal, callous scrutiny of Detectives on hand
Merciless, they are ready for combat!
“You lie!” they say.
Harsh, condemning criticisms they continually volley!
Such acts of utter cruel folly
They hammer her down; when will they be through?
She’s radically failed by the Boys in Blue!
They behave thuggish, as a jackaroo.
to be Continued …..
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