: A Survivor's Memoir ...
Uncovering the Aftermath of Child Sexual-Abuse
Synopsis & Overview
I am a writer, an artist, an entrepreneurial business person; I once was a teacher, and I am a lover of peace and the beauty of nature. At the age of 71, I am now telling my life experiences in my Books, the Freya Files.
Is it the crime that causes unspeakable damage to the person on the receiving end – or is it the way the justice system handles the crimes? This is the burning question I have always queried.
At the young and tender age of around seven or eight (possibly earlier), I was subjected to many years of cruel and despicable behaviour, brought down upon me by a man who was, in the eyes of others, a respectable man. He was my step-father, which made the crimes he committed against me Incest! This man betrayed the very essence of morality, subjecting me to eight or more torturous years at the whims of his wicked debauchery – until at the age of fifteen he released me from his wicked clutches, due to the unspeakable consequence his depravity had inflicted upon my tender young body.
His utterly reprehensible and wilful decadence scarred me for life. For more than another fifteen years after he released his hold over me I struggled, both physically and mentally. The more I matured, the more I became better able to cope, and to live with my past. These crimes took place approximately between the years of 1959-1966.
How much of my life’s turmoil was created, or enhanced, by the sexual abuse I had experienced as a child? Or perhaps the teenage pregnancy, or the abortions, or a counsellor’s sexual misconduct, or the divorce, or the workplace harassment and emotional abuse inflicted upon me by the Education Department, or Rusty’s relationship fraud?
Were all of these events interconnected? Was each a creation of the former?
This Memoir is about refusing to allow the tragic crimes that have befallen me get the better of me and crush the life force from my soul. We are dealing with a time span of seventy years, so it is well and truly time to set the records straight! This first Memoir spans about half my life, until I was in my mid-30s. My next two books will pick up from there.
Names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals for security and legal reasons, because all three crimes are serious criminal cases that remain unsolved. My nom de plume is Mikky Eagle, and my chosen name for depicting myself throughout my writing is Freya Attwood – hence the title of the Freya Files. This name
holds a great deal of intimacy for me, as it was the name my father would have preferred me to have been called, but my mother chose an alternative name. If I achieve success and gain the justice I seek, I will proudly allow my true name to be called from the rooftops, alongside the perpetrators who inflicted these crimes upon me!
For me to truly win this battle, I feel these crimes need to be exposed for the horror that they are, and justice needs to be served. So, that is my aim and intention – to force attention onto those who are put into positions to uphold law and order, and make these bureaucrats not only aware of what their system and their employees have allowed to slip underneath the levels of moral protection, but in so doing, force them to bring forth justice to not only my life, but to all those others who have endured similar.
I trust that those readers of my Memoir who may have endured similar horrors in their lives will gain strength and courage by reading about the path I followed. By standing strong one, is able to overcome the horrors of early childhood sexual trauma, and I would hope to be a catalyst for offering that healing power to others.
My other goal is that by exposing the brutal disregard of law enforcement, this should also assist the large number of other survivors facing similar travesties within the justice system. In writing these books, my primary focus is upon the miscarriages that took place and the aftermath of dealing with the trauma. I discuss the crimes, as that is of course the nucleus, but I move on to the effects of the crime, being the life-long scars that are the consequence of the cruel acts. The manifestation of it all lies in the linchpin; the justice system that repeatedly failed me!
Police Tort
As a scathing example of what I refer to as Police Tort – the Police would not charge the perpetrator of the paedophilic criminal assault I endured for more than eight years as a very young child because, in their words,
“He’s an old man now, possibly with a touch of dementia.” “It’s best for you to just leave him alone.”
I ask WHY? – and how can it be possible that a known criminal was allowed to remain free?
Perhaps by writing and hopefully publishing my Memoirs, these shocking travesties of justice may be brought into the light of day in our current world, and my dearest wish is that those involved be brought to justice for the immense crimes they committed by pushing aside Paedophilia, Rape and Arson – the three crimes to which I was subjected
through the course of my life!
I am proud of what I have achieved after my troubled start to life. I have four beautiful adult children, and a magnificent rural property. Professionally, I successfully run a multi faceted business focusing on nature.
I am a Survivor; no longer a Victim.

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