Give and you shall Receive – The Universal Law of Giving & Receiving
I love receiving all the bountiful gifts that nature has to offer. Give and you shall Receive, Living rurally enables me to receive wonderful gifts every single day, simply by stepping out the door into sunlight, hearing the myriad of birds and just taking in all the incredible beauties of the landscape. I am also open to receiving material gifts from others – your gift makes my life more wonderful, which in turn creates a circle and makes your life more wonderful – and so on it travels around.
The universe operates through dynamic exchange . . . giving and receiving are Yin and Yang aspects of the flow of energy throughout our existence. Through our willingness to give that which we seek, we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives – which continues to create more for all.
My gift to you is my gratitude and heartfelt thanks, and my happiness and pleasure will surely circle back to you – but I also offer you material rewards when you become my patron, to give you pleasure and happiness in return.
When we feel good because we’ve made someone else feel good, that’s the secondary glow we can savour.
It has been noted that by knowing that we’ve done something to improve the life of others not only boosts our self esteem and gives us a sense of purpose, it also shifts our attention away from our own stresses and worries. Your attention is placed on making other people feel better, not on worrying about yourself.
Rewards are just super nice things. When you become my patron, I have different rewards that I’ve crafted just for you – because you are so special.
Gosh. Rewards are so… rewarding. 😉
Give and you shall Receive
Here are the Rewards I offer …..
STARBRIGHT – Pledge $1 or more per month
- Step through the first door of my project group
- Access to patron-only content of each chapter
- Sneak peek text & photos of upcoming releases
- Patron-only polls and conversations
THANK YOU! Everything helps and it all adds up, which is the wonder of giving and receiving. You will receive a digital download of the content, and have access to things as I post them.
LUMINARY – Pledge $3 or more per month
- Step through the second door of my project group
- Invitation to join private FB group to share and chat
- Processes and behind-the-scenes material
- Plus all previous rewards
DOUBLE THANK YOU! I really appreciate you stepping up a notch to help out 😉 In addition to new chapters every month, there will be chats and posts to show you what this month’s progress is. Funding a mystery is fun, don’t you think?
AURORA – Pledge $5 or more per month
- Step through the third door of my project group
- Access to our Q&A Podcast or Video of the month’s ‘stuff’ with questions and requests taken from reader’s posts
- I’ll talk about what I’ve been up to this month, where we’re going next, and what I’m planning to do when I get there.
- Plus all previous rewards
GREAT – THANKS HEAPS! NOW I CAN REALLY START TO MOVE ON. Great fun for the whole group. Videos are exclusive to this pledge level and above. Also, the first couple will probably be hilariously horrid whilst I find my feet with this stuff 😀
BRILLIANCE – Pledge $10 or more per month
- Step through the fourth door of my project group
- Monthly patron-only live-stream for sharing chats & ideas
- Extra material not included in my book
- Plus all previous rewards
THANK YOU – THANK YOU – THANK YOU!! so, so much! This really helps tremendously. I would love to have you share your ideas with me – perhaps you may like to offer suggestions and tweaks when we chat in my patron-only web-casts. You’ll be a member of the smaller group with whom I discuss deeper topics, business/patron strategies, and so forth. You’ll have access to extra material, such as deleted scenes, character studies, or maybe just nonsensical scribbles that were the starting point of my story. Interesting & wonderful stuff!
SUPERSTAR – Pledge $25 or more per month
- Step through the fifth door of my project group
- Exclusive email address for this tier and upwards to ask me all your burning questions
- You are welcome to Discounts in our retail store
- Your name in the credits of my books
- Plus all previous rewards
SUPERB! THANK YOU SO VERY, VERY MUCH!! This is just super amazing and I am honoured and so very grateful. It is a lot of money to spend on an artist, and I am so very thrilled. I’ll do my very best to make it worth it: you’ll get all of the above, random surprises + photos, plus access to my patron-only web-casts in which I’ll chat live with you wonderful top-tier patrons; take questions direct; talk about life, my work, and generally get super friendly.
WIZARD – Pledge $50 or more per month
- Step through the sixth door of my project group
- Personalised handwritten Thank-You card
- Exclusive to this reward tier: I will include an art card and signed copy of my first book when it is finished
- Plus all previous rewards
Thanks is barely enough gratitude and I am just thrilled – and love you to bits. This will empower me to produce a fantastic amount of writing, and I would love to share as many of my inner secrets and ramblings as you want to partake of. Thank you so very much for helping me make writing my longed-for career 😀
STELLAR – Pledge $100 or more per month
- Step through the seventh door of my project group
- Personally signed copy of every book I traditionally publish during the twelve months following your initial patronage
- One-on-one private chats with me every month
- Plus all previous rewards
THOUSANDS & THOUSANDS OF THANKS TO YOU! YOUR GENEROSITY IS STELLAR!! At this level, you will receive everything above AND get a private one-on-one 30 minute Google Hangout session with me every single month (I will do my best to work with your schedule). You will receive a personally signed copy of every book I traditionally publish during the twelve months following your initial patronage. This will most likely arrive on your doorstep before anyone else you know, since author’s copies usually reach the author before they reach stores. Generosity like yours makes me realise that Miracles are definitely Made 😀
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